Generically interpreted as corridors with aligned buildings on both sides of a certain street, urban canyons are one of the main morphological features of contemporary cities that present linear axes of densification associated with the urban movement system, often resulting in adverse environmental implications to urban areas. Based on the central hypothesis that vegetal enveloping of building surfaces is a viable procedure for public policies aimed at mitigating the deleterious effects of urban canyons, the overall goal of the research consists in analyzing the potential of this solution applied to that urban morphological configuration, leaning on the case study of the structural sectors of Curitiba, Brazil. From the interpretation of the internal spatial structure of each section and the integrated analysis of the whole set, the evaluation of the enveloping potential of the buildings in the study area enables the proposition of a Vegetal Enveloping Factor (VEF) minimum of 0,2 to overlay buildings and of 0,3 to obtain indirect incentives.
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