The process of production and transformation of urban form in Brazilian coastal cities
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urban form
open spaces
coastal line

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MUNIA BENFATTI, D.; TÂNGARI, V. R. The process of production and transformation of urban form in Brazilian coastal cities. Revista de Morfologia Urbana, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 103–124, 2017. DOI: 10.47235/rmu.v5i2.4. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 nov. 2024.


The universe of the national research, sponsored by FAPESP through the thematic project ‘Open spaces and urban form’ coordinated by QUAPÁ-SEL laboratory, in FAUUSP, encompasses 35 cities, among state capitals and medium-sized cities in Brazil. It is based on procedures that include: individual and group network surveys; workshops held in the cities studied; annual research colloquiums; presentations in national and international scientific events. This paper focuses on five cities located on the coast of Brazil where workshops have already taken place in 2014 and 2015, and have made possible the analysis of some results through comparative approach: Vitória, Salvador, Maceió, Santos and Recife. The text includes reflections and comparisons between cities and concludes by indicating for discussion some criteria of intervention in the studied cities that could generate urban quality, safeguarding the particular socio-environmental situations. In this paper, instead of discussing all the research issues, proposed for the workshops carried out by the QUAPÁ-SEL network, we have decided to focus only in some of them that have in common the fact they relate to the location along the Brazilian coast. The reflection was based basically on the results of the workshops, which brings to this analysis a simplification and, at the same time, a difficulty. The workshops and their reports are presented in a very heterogeneous and uneven manner. However, the discussions were always based on the same lines of research, ensuring, on the other hand, homogeneity in our approach.
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